Beaver Valley Water Service
The Beaver Valley Water Service is owned by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary and operated and maintained by the Village of Fruitvale.
For operational issues, please contact the Village’s waterworks technician:
or, the Village office:

RDKB Utility Committee
The RDKB Utility Committee representatives from the BV Water Service are, Director Steve Morissette, representing the Village of Fruitvale, and RDKB Director Ali Grieve, representing Electoral Area A.
To contact the Utilities Committee, please call the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Office, 250-368-9148.
Committee agendas and minutes: See RDKB website.
Beaver Valley Water Supply
The Beaver Valley Water Service area receives direct water supply from Kelly Creek, and when required there are two back up wells. Water is treated with a series of sand filtration and an ultra violet system with minimal chlorine added to the water.
The western section of Fruitvale is serviced by the Beaver Falls Waterworks District.
Kelly Creek Reservoir –2,727,600 litres
Fruitvale Tank – 1,091,040 litres
Mill Road Reservoir – 454,600 litres
Water Treatment Plant – 611,000 litres
Total – 4,884,240 litres
Kelly Creek Dam Information
The Kelly Creek Dam was originally built in the late 1940s (exact date unknown) to provide water service to the Village of Fruitvale. Upgrades to the dam were undertaken in 1982 to remediate degradation that had previously occurred to the concrete from freeze/thaw action and to increase the reservoir storage capacity. The Kelly Creek Dam has an intake structure which allows operators to control water supply from Kelly Creek, which flows from the upland slopes of Mount Kelly, Stott Peak and several un-named ridges. The watershed is primarily private managed forestland that is subject to the Private Managed Forest Land Act. The Kelly Creek intake discharges into the reservoir which feeds the water treatment plant (WTP) intake structure. The intake structure, reservoir, WTP intake, dam and WTP are located within the same secured (fenced) facility.
Kelly Creek Dam is a concrete gravity dam and has a “Significant” Consequence Classification rating under the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Water Management Branch File No. D350120-00 dam failure consequences classification criteria.
2018 Annual Inspection Report
Beaver Valley Water Supply Kelly Creek Watershed Hydrology Report
The BV Water Committee is pleased to provide the public with the completed Kelly Creek Watershed Hydrology Report. Please click here for the link to the RDKB website posting.
Village Office: Mon – Fri
8:30am – 4:30 pm
Public Works: Mon – Fri
7:00 am – 3:30 pm