Village of Fruitvale Business page image. Storefront with flowers in the window.

Business Information



Find information relevant to Fruitvale businesses, and their customers.

For a complete listing of Fruitvale businesses explore the business directory here.

If you notice an omission or mistake, please contact the Village.

An innovative online service that allows you to easily generate a customized list of the permits and licenses they require from three levels of government: local, provincial and federal.

The Village’s Economic Development Strategy accelerates development of industry sector strengths, enhances business retention and expansion, makes enterprise-friendly policy adjustments, and implements new ideas that nurture job growth and positive community development. Learn more on our Economic Development page.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Village. Elevation, industries, facilities, schools, transportation and much more…

Village Office: Mon – Thurs
8:30am – 4:30 pm
Public Works: Mon – Fri
7:00 am – 3:30 pm

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