Resident Information

Here you’ll find information relevant to Fruitvale residents, including newsletters, activities, and listings of various community organizations.

*Special Notice – Review the Draft Fruitvale Renewable Energy Strategy

Village of Fruitvale residents have access to a wide range of physical and mental health services. Visit our Health and Wellness page to browse the directory. 


& Clubs

Fruitvale and surrounding areas are home to a large number of group activities. Visit the ‘Organizations & clubs’ page to browse the directory. 

The annual Beaver Valley Mays are traditionally held on the weekend after the Victoria Day long weekend with a plethora of activities for young and old alike. Visit the May Days page here.

The Beaver Valley Youth Action Network is part of a youth engagement project funded under the Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Directed Youth Funded Initiatives and administered by the Village of Fruitvale.  All activities are FREE to Beaver Valley youth in grades 7-12.  For more information visit our ‘Youth Action Network’ page. 

The Fruitvale & Area A Newsletter is released monthly (except July / August). It contains important news, updates and dates for residents. Visit the News Letters page for access to current and archived releases. 

Visit the Village announcements page! Here you’ll find a feed of information from Village staff and volunteers. Local elections, water restrictions, events and more. 

Fruitvale Renewable Energy Strategy

The Village of Fruitvale invites you to review and comment on the Draft Fruitvale Renewable Energy Strategy. The draft strategy identifies potential actions that the Village of Fruitvale can take to reduce carbon pollution, conserve energy and money, and make Fruitvale a healthier, safer, and more economically resilient place to live, work, and play. The potential actions are based on community input from the Fruitvale Renewable Energy Survey and Open House conducted earlier this year. Village Staff and Council are looking for feedback from Village residents: Which actions do you think are more urgent? Which ones should wait? Are there actions that are missing?

Check out the Draft Renewable Energy Strategy HERE, and provide your feedback by email to, or register to attend the online webinar on October 18, 2023 at 6:30pm.

Village Office: Mon – Fri
8:30am – 4:30 pm
Public Works: Mon – Fri
7:00 am – 3:30 pm

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