Residential garbage collection is a regionalized service. RDKB has contracted the residential garbage collection to GFL. Regular garbage bags can be used however they require a garbage tag.
Residents are required to purchase tags for their bags. These tags are available at the Village Office and Liberty Foods in Fruitvale and at various businesses in Trail, Warfield and Rossland.
Help keep Fruitvale clean by disposing of garbage properly!
The Village of Fruitvale Council has adopted a “Zero Waste” policy which coincides with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundaries Zero Waste Strategy.
What can and can’t be recycled in curbside recycling? Visit here to find out.
Click below to learn how to recycle your old electronics:
For more information on recycling, visit RecycleBC
Zero Waste is a philosophy and a design principle for the 21st Century that includes ‘‘recycling’‘, but goes beyond recycling by taking a ‘‘whole system’‘ approach to the vast flow of resources and waste through human society. Zero Waste maximizes recycling, minimizes waste, reduces consumption and ensures that products are made to be reused, repaired or recycled back into nature or the marketplace. Click here to learn more about Zero Waste.
Alpine Recycling is the contractor for the Blue Box & Recycling Program. Blue box recycling is done once every two weeks and boxes must be placed at the curb before 7:00 a.m. on your recycling day.
Each residence in Fruitvale was given a blue box and a blue bag in which to place their recyclable items:
If you are unable to wait for curbside recycling, there are large recycling bins at the McKelvey Creek Landfill Site in Trail, BC.
Click Here to read: “Ways To Reduce Your Garbage”
Why compost you ask? Composters turn yard and kitchen waste into fertilizer, which can be used on your lawn, garden and plants, thus reducing household waste and saving time and money in the long run. To learn more about back yard composting visit the Recycling Council of BC or the BC Government Waste Management compost page.
The RDKB’s Green Bin Program was introduced in the summer of 2023. Visit the RDKB’s Q&A page or view the Address Search App to find out your area’s green bin collection schedule.
– Milk and Plant-Based Beverage Containers Join Deposit System Feb 1
Starting on February 1, 2022 milk and plant-based beverage containers will be part of the BC deposit program. This means a 10c deposit will be charged on “ready to drink” milk and plant-based beverages, like oat milk, soy milk or almond milk.
Residents can receive the deposit refund when the container is returned to a participating return location. This change is a result of an amendment to the BC Recycling Regulation, made by the Province of BC.
*You can continue to put milk and plant-based beverage containers in your blue box or container bin for recycling (it won’t count as contamination), and we will continue to collect and recycle them, just like we do with aluminum beverage cans or plastic beverage bottles. If you choose to do this, you will not receive your deposit refund.
For more information, and educational resources visit
pRecycling means you are not purchasing garbage to begin with by consciously choosing items that reduce your household garbage.
Most of us know the Three R’s of waste reduction: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. These are the basics but there are a couple of more R’s in ZERO Waste. Sure, part of ZERO Waste is to practice Recycling, but when you are walking the aisles of the grocery store, there are a couple things to think about.
It may mean looking a little harder or paying a little more for items which are not ‘disposable’. These items do not show the complete costs of disposal. Items that are designed for obsolescence often contain toxic ingredients that will last for generations before they break down.
Plastics and Styrofoam are unrealistically cheap, yet are made of an increasingly scarce natural resource – petroleum. Choices we make in the grocery store have long-term impacts. The Village of Fruitvale is working with the RDKB to become a ZERO Waste community and we are encouraging residents to be active in Refusing unnecessary packaging. Be confident about asking your grocer for products that Reduce garbage.
Did you know that the average Canadian throws away the equivalent of their body weight each month? Let your friends know what you are doing to reduce your ‘waste’ and ask them what they are doing to reduce theirs. We all have to work together to achieve the goal of ZERO Waste!
If you are concerned about excess packaging, bring these concerns to the attention of your retailer and take the time to contact the product manufacturer with your comments.
Yard trimmings such as leaves, hedge clippings, brush, branches and grass clippings are collected twice a year, in April during spring clean-up and October during fall clean-up.
The MCKELVEY CREEK LANDFILL SITE in Trail also accepts organic yard waste for a fee.
Remember: Nothing will change unless you do Something.
Village Office: Mon – Fri
8:30am – 4:30 pm
Public Works: Mon – Fri
7:00 am – 3:30 pm