Photo credit: Columbia Basin Trust
Access card: $25 (also $25 to replace)
Monthly fee: $30
Seniors monthly fee: $15
Seniors (50+)
5 am – 10pm
Non-Seniors (20 – 49)
1 pm – 3pm / 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Fruitvale Memorial Centre, the most modern facility in the West Kootenays, has a capacity of 300. With its modern kitchen, bar, sound system, handicap elevator and more, it’s the perfect place to hold your special event.
WorkBC Centers help people find jobs, explore career options and improve their skills. Together, they help employers fill jobs, find the right talent and grow their businesses. Anyone can access these services in-person at the WorkBC Centre located at 1499 Bay Ave, Trail, BC V1R 4A9 or virtually online at
The Beaver Valley Food Bank is located in the rear of the Beaver Valley Thrift Store at First Street, across from the Beaver Valley Public Library.
Trail Food Bank
1st, 3rd, 4th 5th Tuesday every month
9:30 – 11:30am Trail United Church
Location: 1300 Pine Ave
Rossland Food Bank
Every Tuesday: 10:00 am -12:00 noon & 5:00 – 7:00 p.m
Location: 1860 Second Avenue, Rossland (at the back of the arena)
Beaver Valley Food Bank
Thursdays, by appointment only
Call or text 250-368-7513 by Tuesday for Thursday pick up time.
Location: 1846 1st Street, Fruitvale (back of the BV thrift store)
Salvation Army Food Bank
Bread Counter & Other free Items: Monday- Friday: 10:30-12noon; 1-2:30pm
Food Hamper Appointments: Tuesday,Thursday, Friday: 10:30-12noon; 1-2:30pm
(Call 250-368-3814 to book a Food Hamper Appointment)
Sally’s Place – Free Hot Meal: Monday – Friday: 11:30am -1:30pm
Location: 1460 Cedar Avenue
*Also Available:
Free Trail United Church Dinners (served in the church hall) 5:30pm
January 19th
February 16th
March 16th
Location: 1300 Pine Ave.
The United Way of Trail & District is pleased to announce the development of a Community Initiative Program for the Beaver Valley Area,
“Beaver Valley Food Action Initiative” (BVFAI)
All residents of the Beaver Valley (Montrose, Area “A” RDKB and Fruitvale) living on low income are eligible for a Christmas Hamper. Applications will be available at the following locations — Liberty Foods, Fruitvale Village Office, Montrose Village Office, Beaver Valley Food Bank and the United Way website.
If you have been an annual donor to the “Fruitvale Community Chest” and wish to continue to support the Hamper program and future BVFAI please contact Naomi McKimmie (250-364-0999 or at the United Way office and she will be happy to assist you with ensuring your donation continues to stay local by adding your name to our new BVFAI Campaign mailing list. You may also donate at
In the comment box of the donation form just write “Beaver Valley” or “BV”, this will let us know that you want your donation to stay in the Beaver Valley
The Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre Society (Fair) has been offering free, confidential, professional services for members of the community since 1977. A non-profit agency, a fully registered CRA Charity and fully accredited through the Council on Accreditation.
A pregnancy outreach program that offers support, information and resources for pregnant women, new mothers (with babies up to 6 months) and families. Weekly groups with lunch and guest speakers, plus outreach visits. Food vouchers and free prenatal vitamins available.
For children 6-12 years of age, this program focuses on building communication and social skills, enhancing self-esteem, managing emotions, dealing with bullying, and coping with change.
Fund-raised dollars assist low-income community members experiencing dental pain or infection to access dental work.
Provides counseling to parents and children or youth in times of family conflict or crisis.
These two programs provide one-to-one services for families requiring additional supports.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Consumer, Family and Peer Support Program works with those with mental health and addictions issues and their families.
There are no perfect parents. Nobody’s Perfect can help you do your best and help you feel good about yourself and your children ages 0-5 years.
Supportive, independent accommodation for women (with or without children) who have left abusive relationships or experienced past abuse and can benefit from a 1 year individualized program in order to deal with these issues. The focus is on the development of life skills, achievement of individual goals, and connections to community resources. A brief stay in a Transition House is required prior to admission.
Support for victims of spousal assault, adult sexual assault, child sexual assault abuse, adult survivors, criminal harassment and stalking. Information and emotional support to victims, witnesses, and families during the court process and legal appointments. This program also provides the LAW CLINIC and LEGAL AID community connections.
This Ministry of Education program offers a free drop-in program for parents or caregivers and their children under 5. Qualified Early Childhood Educators lead literacy activities, including stories, music and crafts to help children grow linguistically, physically and socially, and become comfortable in a school-like environment.
Provides assistance and guidance to anyone seeking information on child care and parenting issues. Includes toy lending library, caregiver registry, educational workshops and drop-in playgroups.
The Stop the Violence Program for women and the Sexual Abuse Intervention, and the Children Who Witness Abuse. Programs for children and teens, offer counseling for a wide range of abuse issues.
Trained staff and volunteers are available to listen, provide information and support in an anonymous and confidential manner. Suicide intervention, referrals to community services and non-judgmental support during challenging times. Serves the entire West Kootenay\Boundary area. This program also offers Suicide Prevention information and educational workshops in area schools.
A 24 hour shelter for women (with or without children) leaving abusive or violent situations. A safe place to explore options & obtain information in a supportive environment. Includes outreach support for women who don’t choose to stay at the Transition House but require support around abusive or violent situations. Also includes a Supportive Recovery Bed for women working towards recovery from substance abuse.
Village Office: Mon – Fri
8:30am – 4:30 pm
Public Works: Mon – Fri
7:00 am – 3:30 pm